Mar 26, 2020
Gettin' Outdoors Podcast Outdoor Media Analyst, Joe Allen Dunn, talks to BDL about his lifetime of hunting and fishing and how he has made a career out of our natural resource assets in rural Alabama. On this weeks TCNB hunting & fishing report Joe's son Hayden tells us what brand jigs they are using to catch...
Mar 19, 2020
Herpetologist Jay Eubanks talks to BDL about our native Alabama snakes and how you can overcome your fears of them by educating yourself to the jobs and benefits the snakes have on your everyday life. Jay and BDL's goal for this weeks podcast is getting one person who is deathly afraid of snakes to open their minds...
Mar 12, 2020
BDL talks turkey with two of the best, if not the best turkey hunters, callers and call makers in the business. "The Turkey Man" Eddie Salter and 5 time World Champion, Preston Pittman, talk about there history in the industry, tips on getting that big gobbler this season and how they think the 2020 turkey season will...
Mar 5, 2020
Wild Turkey Reports David Hawley sits down with BDL and share his well researched PowerPoint presentation on the state of the Eastern Wild Turkey. David discusses, in detail, his thoughts on poult recruitment, understory management (habitat), including prescribed burning, predator control and even gives a...