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Feb 23, 2023

Segment one - SmackDown Catfishing founder Stacey Gaston talks about his company and tells us about fishing The CatMasters Major League Tour Tennessee River Challenge this weekend.

(4) The CatMasters | Facebook

Home - Smackdown (

Segment two - ABT South and ABT 100 angler, outdoor writer and promoter C.J. Knight talks about his 5th Annual Masie Knight Memorial Squirrel Rodeo Round-Up and how you can be a part of it.

(5) 5th Annual Masie Knight Memorial Squirrel Rodeo | Facebook

On this weeks TCUB Huntin' & Fishin' Report, the outdoor reporters recap the Juggin' Open and Joe Allen does a little investigating report on his competition. 

(6) Shane Jones Fishing | Bessemer AL | Facebook

The water and weather is warming up and you will know what to expect this weekend on the detailed CNB weather forecast.